Braided Solidarities
Solidarity-in-difference: braiding identity, belonging and difference transnationally.
This theme delves into the intertwining narratives of solidarity among Black, Brown, and marginalized communities, showcasing their self-representation through cultural and political activism. Like a braided river, these expressions of solidarity-in-difference allow for diverse voices to unite. We examine transnational alliances rooted in shared historical and social experiences but expressed uniquely across different contexts. By synthesizing our research with insights from the other themes, we aim to understand what Europe means and can offer to these communities. Our exploration extends beyond the Dutch borders, anchoring processes of belonging within a global (post)colonial framework, with a focus on France, the Americas, and the Caribbean. This broader perspective enables us to rethink inclusion and exclusion dynamics and propose new conceptualizations.
Listen to the Unsettling Knowledge podcast here: