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Re/Presenting Europe Annual Consortium Meeting – 16-17 May at Radboud University Nijmegen

May 16, 2024 - May 17, 2024

Friends, colleagues, Re/Presenting Europe project members. It is time to gather, after a year of activity, and share our experiences, challenges, have fun, and spend time together. We will renew connections and build new ones that will work toward a more inclusive understanding of Europe and the Netherlands. We look forward to showcasing our work, and the reflections and representations from our diverse communities across the project and its working groups. After nearly twelve months of working in our separate teams, let’s check in with each other, and see if we are en route to reaching our collaborative goals with this project.

Objectives: The main objective of our gathering these two days is to spend time in reflection, connection, friendly feedback on each other’s work. We can review our aims and successes – what does it actually mean to create representations and community practices that facilitate diversity and belonging? Can we scale our efforts up and is this desirable? We’ll identify tangible connections between working teams, methods, planned activities, communities of engagement – and our desired outcomes. The consortium gathering is our chance to share what we have learned so far. It’ll help us work together more effectively. Last year we got to know each other a bit. This year we’ll deepen those connections, review and confirm planned activities, learn from featured speakers and performers sharing knowledge of anti-racism, teaching, and community-engagement in word and body. Let’s connect, reflect, engage with each other at the project level.

Key areas of focus: Enhancing collaboration and communication among team members. Fostering creativity and innovation. Sharing knowledge.


Please note that the morning programme is internal and for consortium members only. Register here

Day 1: Urgent Challenges, Engaging Collaboration

Morning program → only for consortium members

Walk-in and registration 9:00 – 10:00 Huygen building

10:00-10:30 : Day Opening (HG 00.303; Huygens building)

Simon Mamahit opens the day and welcomes the audience and explains the purpose of this consortium meeting and agenda of the day

10:30-12:00: Work packages breakout sessions

Societal partners or critical friend prepare a program for the breakout sessions. Work package breakout sessions meant to discuss and update on the progress. Discussion points: How are we doing? How are we going forward?

12:00-12:30 Report back (HG 00.303)

Work packages report back in plenary room. Simon Mamahit moderates the conversation. Every work package explains:

  • what they discussed in the breakout sessions
  • what the societal partners want from this work package
  • how the collaboration has been thus far
  • where the WP stands now
  • what the challenges, accomplishments, and plans are at this moment

12:30-13:30: Lunch RU Campus

13:30-14:45: Panel Discussion on collaboration (Maria Montessori 00.035)

Panel discussion with some representatives of each work package, ideally societal partners. We start this part of the discussion with an after movie of the Participatie Federatie.

Afternoon program → external, open for everyone

15:00-17:00: Urban Sports, Culture & Community Building (Maria Montessori 00.035)

USC (Urban Sports and Culture network in Nijmegen) will curate the afternoon and bring speakers, artists, and performers, for performances and talks/panels. This event will provide space for alternative forms of learning through hip hop and curate space to talk about the role of hip hop in community building.

15:00-15:45: Performances outside on RU campus @ Erasmusplein

15:45-17:00: Panel discussion on performances (MM00.035)

We will have a Q&A and panel discussion with the performers and academics (J. Griffith Rollefson), societal partners, RU scholars.

16:45–17:15: Final reflections

Final reflections, thoughts, conclusions

17:30-19:00: Drinks @ RU Campus

Day 2: Knowledge-Driven Answers and Innovative Approaches

Morning program → internal, only for consortium members

09:00-10:00: Advisory Board Meeting (Invitation only

10:00-10:30: Opening

Short welcome where we explain the planning of the day and reflect on the day before with all attendees.

10:30-11:15: Researchers exchange

Presenting research and discussing shared methods, concepts and (possible) collaborations

11:15-11:30: Coffee Break

11:30-12:30  start of Afternoon program → external, open for everyone

11:30 – 12:30: Zwarte Ibis

Showing short film Zwarte Ibis (18 min.) directed by Emma-Lee Amponsah, who introduces the film + discussion/Q&A/panel.

12:30-13:30 Lunch RU Campus (Only for consortium members)

14:00-17:00: Lectures, panel discussion and Q&A

During this part of the event, we will have keynotes from two speakers with the over arching title “From The Pyramids, To The Ivory Tower, To Activist Scholarship: Theory, Policy, And Practice In Sport And Education. A panel and a Q&A with the audience will follow this.

14:00-14:40: Keynote nr.1: Prof. Kevin Hylton (sports)

Kevin Hylton, PhD is an Emeritus Professor of Equality and Diversity in Sport, Leisure and Education at Leeds Beckett University. Kevin is the first Black Professor to hold this honour in Carnegie history. Kevin’s research is world-leading in regard to ‘race’ research in sport and education. Kevin authored ‘Race’ and Sport: Critical Race Theory (Routledge, 2009) and Contesting ‘Race’ and Sport: Shaming the Colour Line (Routledge, 2018). Kevin is Chair of the Sheffield Race Equality Commission, Special Advisor to the Sport Monitoring Advisory Panel and Co-Editor of the Routledge Critical Series on Equality and Social Justice in Sport and Leisure. Kevin was bestowed an Honorary Doctor of Science for an inspirational career in race relations, equality and social justice (University of Kent) and is an Honorary Fellow (Leeds Trinity). Kevin is Patron of the Advance HE Race Equality Charter, Visiting Professor at the University of South Wales, Visiting Professor at KU Leuven (Belgium) and was previously Head of the Research Centre for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (LBU), and Interim Pro Vice Chancellor Culture Equality and Inclusion at the University of Sussex.

14:45-15:25: Keynote nr.2: Dr. Melanie Acosta (education)

Melanie M. Acosta works for the educational well-being of Black children, families and communities through careful study of teacher practice. Dr. Acosta is an Associate Professor of Education at the College of Education at Florida Atlantic University. Her research, teaching, and services center African American educational philosophies, principles, and teaching and teacher education processes. Her research and theorizing are featured in academic journals such as Urban Education, Equity & Excellence in Education and The Journal of Teacher Education. Her writing is featured in community outlets such as the Children’s Services Council 2021 Family Resource Guide, Diversity in Education Magazine, and the Culturally Responsive, Evidence-Based Strategies for Traumatic Stress (CRESTS) Concept Paper Series. Dr. Acosta is also co-founder and executive director of Liberate Literacy, a community-rooted initiative that is purposed to produce “Better Literacy Learning Options For Black People” by increasing Black ownership of the literacy attainment and growth trajectory of Black children. Before her work as a university professor, Melanie was an elementary school teacher and a community organizer for a grassroots parent empowerment group.

15:25-15:40: Break

15:40-16:30: Panel discussion & Audience Q&A

16:30-16:40: Closing words by Rachel Gillett

Drinks on RU campus


May 16, 2024
May 17, 2024


Private: Radboud University
Houtlaan 4,
Nijmegen, 6525 XZ
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